Integration of CKEditor 4 with Imgur Plugin (Image Uploading)




I was trying out different rich text editors for web, they all good but I found CKEditor 4 is the easiest to set up.

How to Implement


Go to CKEditor Builder. Click download after you pick the plugins, skins and langauges you want. Save the CKEditor files in the server. You can delete the example folder.

Insert into your html file

  • Add a textarea with id editor in your page.
<textarea id="editor"></textarea>
  • Load the ckeditor.js and the config.js from the downloaded files.
<!-- CK Editor Module --> <script src="/static/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script> <script src="/static/ckeditor/config.js"></script>
  • Use Javascript in the page to initiate the CKEditor.
CKEDITOR.replace( '#editor' );
  • Thats it, check your page and you will be able to see the CKEditor.
  • For uploading image, I have selected the Imgur plugin which allows me to upload the image to Imgur (Imgur is a free online image storage cloud) easily, what you need is a Client Id from the Imgur API, and then add it to the config.js
config.extraPlugins = 'imgur'; config.imgurClientId = 'Your-Client-id';